6-point Inner Diameter Measurement System

6-point ID Measurement system, RF040-65/115

ID measurement is a common task and RIFTEK offers various measurement sensors and systems intended to solve the task. Our systems are based on two principles, namely, 

  • RF096 systems with rotating laser sensors; 
  • RF040 systems with multisensor measurement head. 
Measurement principles and implemented projects description can be found in ID Measurement Presentation: Inner Diameter Measurement Presentation.

Main features of 6-point ID Measurement system RF040-65/115 are the following:

  • Measured diameter range, mm      65…115
  • ID measurement accuracy, um     ±25
  • Measurement rate, Hz     2000

The parameters of the system can be changed for a specific task. Minimal diameter that can be measured using this method is 30 mm.

System’s manual is available on our website. As usual, we provide demo software and free SDK. 

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