We are pleased to announce that in the nearest future our products will be showcased at the three international expos:
17-19 March 2015 – Rail-Tech’15 – Railway Exhibition in the Netherlands (our products will be presented by Altheris, Booth D133)
1-3 April 2015 – Electronics manufacturing KOREA 2015 – This event showcases products like Digital consumer electronics, Mobile phone and individuals intelligent devices, Semiconductor components, Photoelectric components and materials, SMT equipments, Manufacturing software, Communications &0 multimedia services, Technology services, Factory production equipments, Materials and manufacturing equipments etc. (our products will be presented by Prosen, Hall C, Booth A112)
12-14 May 2015 – Railtex’15 http://www.railtex.co.uk – Railway Exhibition in England (our products will be presented by Ixthus Instrumentation Limited, Booth V55)
Visit the Expos to get acquainted with our products!